JimYuan's Blog

Sharing the things I learned



What will we Learn in This class?

How to think about shape…

  • mathematically (differential geometry)
  • computationally (geometry processing)

Central Theme: link these two perspectives

What is Differential Geometry?

Language for talking about locel properties of shape

  • How fast are we traveling along a curve?
  • How much does the surface bend at a point?
  • etc

And their connection to global properties of shape

  • so-called “local-global” relationships.

What is Discrete Differential Geometry

Also a language describing local properties of shape

  • infinity no longer allowed
  • No longer talk about derivatives, infinitesimals…
  • Everything expressed in terms of lengths, angles…
  • Surprisinglt little is lost!
  • Faithfully captures many fundamental ideas

How can we get there?

A common “game” is played in DDG to obtain discrete definitions:

  1. Write down several equivalent definitions in the smooth setting
  2. Apply each smooth definition to an object in the discrete setting
  3. Determine which properties are captured by each resulting **inequivalent ** discrete definition.