JimYuan's Blog

Sharing the things I learned


Why Linux Is Better For Programming


Recently, I found myself tend to absorb some general knowledge in tech-field at late night. I got company with Lofi music from Spotify. This post tend to note down some benefits for programmer switch to Linux instead of other OS, for say Windows or MacOS.

I’ve had this rough ideas about those great programmers tend to work in pure text, command line enviroment a lot, not saying they don’t want to use GUI, it’s just faster if both hands can stick on their keyboard and get everything done.



7 things programmers appreicate about LINUX

  1. Security
  2. Improved programming workflow
  3. No rebooting
  4. Powerful Programming tools
  5. Task automation
  6. Performace
  7. Useful Error Messages
  8. (secret one) customized enviornment


LinuxOS is open source, meaning anyone who want to can look at the source code.
Although this might mean anyone who want to attack the other’s machine can find the system flaw easily, it turns out become harder to hack in. Because Linux is a famous OS, thousands of other programmers run the code on their local machine,and they don’t want someone can get a way hack in, they patched the flaws once found it.

Improve programming workflow

For example, if you want to install something:

The scenario in a linux machine will be

sudo apt-get install whatever-you-want-to

However, if you are in a MacOS or Windows.

  1. you might need a package manager
  2. Or find the correct link on the correct webpage
  3. click several button while installing
  4. might need to restart your machine

As a developer, we constantly install things and linux make this procedure less pain.

No rebooting

Linux can update the entire whole Operating System without any reboot.
This is neither possible on MacOS nor Windows.
This no-rebooting thing is one of the reason why linux is choosed for running most of the servers.

Many Linux servers on the Internet have been running for years without failure or even being restarted.

Powerful Programming Tools pre-installed

  1. GREP
  2. wget
  3. _corn

Task automation

Linux lend itself very well for automation.
one-liner means short little scripts that you write to automate a task.


Linux is not neccessary faster than other OS, but it is very lightweight for an OS.

Useful Error Messages