I found this recently hosted AEC hackathon video. To be honest, this will be the first hackathon I knew in AEC industy was held.Just want to memo down some interesting ideas from each project. Oh also, I heard the Glodfinger
was the big winner of this event. I would like to dive deep into there source code in near future, and I might write some other posts for that topic.
Sunday Programme
Pollution Solution
People from A to B, might consider not only the distance, but also the air quality as well.
- Find alternative routes where pollution levels are significantly lower
- Algorithm taking the Google pollution data into account.
How we got here
- Google pollution data
- Making a graph network
- A* shortest path
Reuse of components off-site
- Reduce
- Reuse
- Recycle
Scenario 1
Adapt components to building
Scenario 2
Adapt building to components
What is LCA
Fuzzy Bunnies
Fuzzy Logic: Mapping off data
We want to find a way to make LCA/ LCC faster regardless off data with spelling errors or disrupted data.
We know from our day-to-day work in AEC industry in the AEC industry that the data in our BIM-models is sometimes a bit fuzzy/ fluffy/ messy.,a%20building%20or%20building%20system.&text=Lowest%20life%2Dcycle%20cost%20(LCC,interpret%20measure%20of%20economic%20evaluation.